SUMA Pony League Tournament
Největší mezinárodní mládežnický turnaj v Evropě, hrající se ve věkových kategoriích PONY (U14) a COLT (U16) v baseballu chlapců a softballu dívek. Vítězové jednotlivých kategorií postupují do finále Světové série PONY League v USA. Hlavním partnerem turnaje je firma SUMA. / SUMA Pony League is the largest youth baseball and softball tournament in Europe. The winners of the age categories PONY (U14) and COLT (U16) in baseball and girls' softball will qualify to the finals of the PONY League World Series in the USA. General partner of the tournament is SUMA company.
The biggest baseball and softball tournament of the season is once again upon us. On April 20 - 23, 38 teams from fourteen countries will come to Prague. This year we have 84 games on baseball fields and 36 games on softball fields.
We will be pleased to welcome Mr. Kruno Karin, President of WBSC Europe, Mr. Abraham Key, President and CEO of the PONY League, Mr. Petr Ditrich, President of Czech Baseball Asociation and Mr. Gabriel Waage, President of Czech softball asociation. The opening ceremony will be attended by Mr. Bijan Sabet, US Ambassador in the Czech Republic.
Opening ceremony on April 20, starting at 17,45, will be followed by Opening pitch at 18,00. The ceremony will include also important moment for WBSC Europe and PONY League. Both organizations will sign official agreement about coooperation and effort to develop youth baseball and softball within Europe.Agreement will be sign by Mr. Kruno Karin, President WBSC Europe and Mr. Abraham Key, President and CEO PONY League.
Schedule of PONY and COLT Tournament, Prague (April 20 - 23, 2023):
More information on Facebook site.
V uplynulých dvou letech se turnaj nemohl pořádat s mezinárodní účastí kvůli pandemické situaci, v letošním roce se účastnilo 34 týmů. Rekordem zůstává účast v roce 2019, kdy v Praze hrálo 62 týmů.
In the past two years, the tournament could not be held with international participation due to the pandemic situation, 34 teams played in year 2022. The participation remains the record in 2019, when 62 teams played in Prague.
SUMA Pony League U16 Schedule, Results, Stats.
1. German Academy
2. NL Braves
3. Czech Academy
4. NL Rays
5. Czech U15
6. EAST Austrian Ac.
7. NL Giants
8. SBS
9. London Archers
9. Darnitsa Tigers
9. BK Angels Trnava
12. Future Star
12. Lithuania
12. The Dutch Bombers
SUMA Pony League U14 Schedule, Results, Stats.
1. London Archers
2. NL Twins
3. German Academy
4. NL Angels
5. NL Orioles
5. Czech Academy
7. SBS Baseball Ac
8. Future Star
9. Poland
9. Lithuania
9. Stuttgart Reds
9. Vindija International
Krčanda Pony League U16, U14 Schedule, Results.
1. Eagles Praha
2. Joudrs Praha
3. SaBaT Praha
4. Piranhas Beroun
5. Germany U15
6. Storms Praha
7. Stars Denmark
8. Lithuania